Understanding the diverse CNS diseases (stroke, ALS, MS, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's diseases, Huntington's disease, depression, psychotic disorders, trauma, etc.), focusing on symptom, cause and therapy.
(2) 碍狼 郴侩
- 1林 : Introduction of oxygen toxicity and reactive oxygen species
- 2林 : Chemistry of free radicals and related reactive species
- 3林 : Antioxidant defenses I
- 4林 : Antioxidant defense II
- 5林 : Oxidative stress: adaptation, damage, repair, and death I
- 6林 : Oxidative stress: adaptation, damage, repair, and death II
- 7林 : Detection of free radicals and other reactive species
- 8林 : Oxidative stress and ischemic o traumatic brain injury
- 9林 : Oxidative stress in Parkinson's disease
- 10林 : Oxidtive stress in Alzheimer's disease
- 11林 : Oxidative stress in ALS
- 12林 : Oxidative stress in huntington's disease
- 13林 : Oxidative stress in multiple sclerosis
- 14林 : Oxidative stress after spinal cord injury
- 15林 : Oxidative stress and disorders of the nervous system
- 16林 : Lecture summary